Old-age Pension

What is the old-age pension (AOV)?

The old-age pension ‘Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering or AOV’ is a social insurance that covers the financial consequences of old age. The insured person is entitled to this pension starting the first of the next month after the date on which the pensioner reaches the age of pension.
As of the 1st of January 2015, the pension age is 60.5 years. Every year the pension age will increase by six months until January 1st, 2024, when the pension age will be 65 years.

Date of Change For those born on or between New retirement age
1st January 2015 1st January 1955 and 30th June 1955 60,5 years
1st January 2016 1st July 1955 and 31st December 1955 61 years
1st January 2017 1st January 1956 and 30th June 1956 61,5 years
1st January 2018 1st July 1956 and 31st December 1956 62 years
1st January 2019 1st January 1957 and 30th June 1957 62,5 years
1st January 2020 1st July 1957 and 31st December 1957 63 years
1st January 2021 1st January 1958 and 30th June 1958 63,5 years
1st January 2022 1st July 1958 and 31st December 1958 64 years
1st January 2023 1st January 1959 and 30th June 1959 64,5 years
1st January 2024 From 1st July 1959 65 years

Who receives the old-age pension?

Every person insured in Aruba for the old age pension can apply for the old age pension upon reaching the pension age. To be an insured person, the person must have lived in Aruba between the age of 15 and the pension age.

How much is the old age pension?

  • For a married couple living together, the old-age pension is a maximum of Afl. 2.182,- monthly, or Afl. 1.091,- each person.
  • For a single person, the maximum old-age pension is Afl. 1.296,- monthly.
  • For a married person not living together or a non-married person living together, the old-age pension has a maximum of Afl. 1.091,- monthly.

Every year a pensioner that is entitled to a pension in September receives a Christmas bonus “Kerstbonus” in December. The Christmas bonus is 75% of what the pensioner receives during September and is paid on top of the December pension.

These amounts do not include the reparatietoeslag (repair supplement).

Reparatietoeslag (repair supplement)

The reparatietoeslag is a compensation that the Government of Aruba grants, through the SVb, to the pensioner. The reparatietoeslag is not part of the AOV pension.

The Government of Aruba has made the decision that every person who is:

  • registered at the Civil registry of Aruba;
  • receives an AOV/AWW pension through SVb Aruba;

receives the reparatietoeslag of Afl. 200,- monthly.

On what day is the old-age pension paid?

SVb pays the old-age pension at the beginning of each month, so every month SVb pays the pension in advance. The payment dates vary between the days 2, 3, or 4 of each month.
All the dates can be viewed here:

Pension Reduction

To receive the maximum pension amount, a person must live in Aruba from 15 until the pension age. Each year the person lives abroad, it is reduced with 2%.

How can I apply to receive the old-age pension?

Applications are done through the SVb Pension portal MiPensioen. Open https://pensioenen.svbaruba.org and follow these steps:

  1. Register as a new user: follow the steps to create a new user account for the MiPensioen portal. Take into account that a valid email must be provided. The password must contain 6 characters or more, and must have at least:
    • one upper case (capital) letter (A-Z)
    • one lowercase letter (a-z)
    • one number (0-9)
    • one special character, for instance: (!@#$%*?)
  2. When the registration is done the system sends a confirmation email. Check your spam or junkmail folder for the confirmation mail.
  3. After confirming the account use the previously registered username and password to log in.
  4. In the main screen there is the option to fill out a new application. Follow these steps.

To complete the petition, you need the following digital documents:

  • A valid passport, driver’s license or identity card. Preferably present the ID card (cedula) to SVb to take note of the identification number. This will speed up the census control process.
  • An official document with the bank account number.

The person applying for a pension after reaching the pension age will receive pension backpay for no more than one year before the application date.

Additional requirements for those living abroad

If the person applying for the pension does not live in Aruba or the Netherlands, they are obliged to give SVb a proof of life certificate (Attestatie de Vita or written proof that the person is alive). If the person is married and applies for a married couple pension, they must also submit a proof of life certificate of their partner.
After the application has been approved, the person living abroad must send a proof of life certificate every three months. SVb does not accept a copy of the proof of life certificate. Pensioners living abroad can submit the proof of life certificate at:

  • In some cases at the SVb in the former Netherlands Antilles.
  • In some cases, at the Embassy of the Netherlands.

The proof of life certificate is obtained at the government office, lawyer, or notary.

Personal Change

In case of a change in the personal situation, the pensioner is obliged to notify SVb of this change within two weeks in writing. These changes include but are not limited to:

  • Change in personal data (address, telephone number, bank account).
  • In case of going to live abroad or re-establishment on Aruba.
  • In case of passing away of the pensioner’s spouse.
  • In the case of marriage.
  • In case of divorce or separation.

Changes in a personal situation may have consequences on the pension amount. The pensioner is obliged to inform SVb of any change in their status. If the SVb wrongly pays out pension, it has the right to reclaim the wrongly amount paid.

Burial expenses

When a pensioner passes away, SVb contributes to the funeral expenses:

  • Married pensioner: SVb pays a maximum of Afl. 3.471,-.
  • Single pensioner: SVb pays 3X the amount of his monthly pension.

The application must be made within 30 days after the date of death to receive this. In case SVb wrongly pays one month or more of pension after death, this amount is reduced from the total amount of burial expenses. In case the deceased is insured for burial expenses, SVb will partially cover the burial expenses.

More info: http://www.svbaruba.org/pensioen/fayecimento-di-pensionado/

Termination of pension

When a pensioner passes away, their pension is terminated immediately if the pensioner is receiving a single pension. Any widow, widower, or deceased pensioner’s family is encouraged to contact the SVb office as soon as possible after the passing away of the pensioner. SVb will continue payment of the deceased’s pension up to three months after death if the deceased was married and living together. In some cases, the widow/er must apply to SVb to receive the widow or old-age pension.

More information

For more information contact the Pension Department:

The Pension Departament is open from Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.