MiSVb Worker App: Using the App

MiSVb Trahado App: Using the App Instructional Video To follow these instructions, first download, install, and register on the App: https://www.svbaruba.org/trahado/sector-priva/misvb-trahado-mobile-app/misvb-trahado-app-instalacion-y-registracion/

  1. After registering, you can log into the App with the PIN you previously created.
  2. The App will open with the personal information of the worker. Tap ‘Home’ to return to this screen.
  3. Tap the ‘Employment’ tab to open information about your Employment Relationship. Here you can view information related to your job.
  4. For an explanation of the AO tab, you can open the AO Notification manual here: https://www.svbaruba.org/trahado/sector-priva/misvb-trahado-mobile-app/misvb-trahado-app-notifica-ao/

  5. Tap the ‘More’ tab to open the ‘More’ menu. Here you can access different menus related to the App’s functions and documents.
  6. Tap ‘Account’ to open this menu, where you can change your Email, Phone Number, or Password.
  7. In the ‘Report’ menu, you can find the ‘Registration Statement’ document from SVb (PDF Document). In the future, you will find more documents related to SVb here.
  8. The App also has the capability to open the Control Card. This illustrates the period when a person was AO and was paid. You can find this in the ‘More’ menu.
  9. In the ‘Contact/Send email’ menu, you will find SVb’s contact information.
  10. In the ‘Settings’ menu, you can change the App’s language.
  11. If you wish to use the App for another person, you can ‘Logout’ and then log in/register another person. Additionally, you can always log back in with your own account.