SVb Appeal

The employee disagrees with a decision of SVb

When an employee disagrees with SVb on a decision, he has the right to appeal to the College of Appeals (College van Beroep of CvB).

What is the College of Appeals?

The College of Appeals (CvB) is legally established to deal with appeals from sickness and accident insurance insured. Each insurance has its own CvB, which consists of three people:

  • A president who is a jurist.
  • An employer representative.
  • An employee representative.

The College of Appeals operates independently of SVb.

What is the appeal process?

To start the appeal process, the employee addresses a letter of appeal to the CvB of the concerning insurance. The employee expresses why he disagrees with SVb’s decision in the letter. The employee has three weeks after receiving the SVb’s written decision to appeal.

Appeal procedure

After CvB received the lettr of appeal, the college (CvB) handles the case verbally. During this process, the employee and SVb can explain their reasons. The CvB gives the verdict in writing after the hearing process.

CvB Verdict

The CvB can decide in favor of the employee or SVb. The CvB’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Where can an employee direct his appeal?

The letter of appeal can be addressed to:
College van Beroep
Concerning: Sickness Insurance or Accident Insurance or AOV/AWW or Cesantia
John G. Emanstraat 51
Oranjestad, Aruba