Ziekte-uitkering Durante Loonsubsidie

Procedura y pago di ziekte-uitkering

Un trahado cu a pasa e procedura di notifica AO, pa ley ta sigui cobra su salario na su doño di trabao. E doño di trabao ta ricibi di SVb un compensacion pa esaki, e asina yama ziekengeld of ongevallengeld (ziekte-uitkering of ZUK).

Na momento cu un doño di trabao entrega na SVb su peticion pa ricibi su ziekte-uitkering, SVb ta inicia un procedura di control riba esaki. Si tur informacion ta corecto, e peticion cu a wordo entrega prome cu dia 20 den un luna lo wordo paga prome cu of riba dia 5 di e siguiente luna.

Un empleado cu a notifica AO mientras cu e empresa a ricibi subsidio di salario pa su persona, ta cana e procedura full di notifica AO te cu e wordo declara AG y por bay traha bek.


No por ricibi pago di ziekte-uitkering mientras cu a ricibi Loonsubsidie

Den caso cu un doño di trabao entrega peticion pa un pago di ziekte-uitkering pa un periodo mientras cu e empresa a ricibi Loonsubsidie pa e mesun periodo en cuestion, e peticion aki no por wordo aproba.

Esaki pa motibo cu un doño di trabao cu a ricibi – durante e mesun periodo di AO – subsidio di salario caba pa e empleado no por ricibi compensacion pa perdida di salario (ziekte-uitkering) atrobe pa e mesun periodo.


No por desconta debe di Loonsubsidie cu otro cuenta habri na SVb

E pago di ziekte-uitkering ta tuma luga despues di control riba entre otro eventual debenan habri na SVb. Den caso cu e empresa tin debe habri esaki ta wordo desconta for di e suma cu lo a ricibi na pago di ziekte-uitkering.

Debenan di Loonsubsidie ta exclui di esaki debi cu ta trata di un administracion separa. Den caso cu tin suma habri di ziekte-uitkering y Loonsusidie, esakinan no por wordo desconta for di otro pa SVb. Esaki debi cu SVb tin e obligacion pa maneha ambos administracion separa for di otro.


Pago di ziekte-uitkering si a ricibi Loonsubsidie

SVb ta ehecuta un control mas extensivo riba empresanan cu a ricibi loonsubsidie pa locual ta trata e pago di ziekte-uitkering. Pa e motibo aki por experiencia un tardansa cu pago di ziekte-uitkering pa periodonan cu a ricibi loonsubsidie.


SVb ta aclarea asina, cu no ta posibel pa bin na remarke y tampoco ricibi mas cu un biaha e compensacion pa un salario den e mesun periodo.



Procedure and payment of sickness benefits (ziekte-uitkering)

An employee who went through the procedure of being unable to work (AO notification) according to law continues to receive salary from his employer. For this the employer receives a compensation from the SVb, the so-called sickness or accident benefits (ziekte-uitkering or ZUK).
When an employer submits a petition to receive this ziekte-uitkering, the SVb initiates a verification procedure on this petition. If all information is correct, all petitions submitted before the 20th of a given month will be paid out before or on the 5th of the following month.

An employee that has called in sick (AO) whilst his employer received Loonsubsidie for him/her, would have went through the procedure of AO notification untill he or she was declared able to work again (AG) and went back to work.


It is not possible to receive ziekte-uitkering benefits for the same period that Loonsubsidie already has been received

If an employer submits a petition to receive ziekte-uitkering for a given period in which the employer has already received Loonsubsidie, this petition can not be approved. This because the employer which has already received Loonsubsidie can not receive compensation for loss of salary (ziekte-uitkering) again for the same period of the employee’s AO.


SVb cannot cancel open debts from Loonsubsidie againts other open debts

Payment of ziekte-uitkering takes place after a verification procedure, in which there will also be a check on openstanding debts. In case there are openstanding debts with the SVb they will be subtracted and cancelled first before payment will take place.

This however does not apply to openstanding debts regarding Loonsubsidie, for which by law the SVb has to maintain a separate administration. For this reason openstanding debit or credit amounts of Loonsubsidie cannot be canceled against other debit or credit amounts in the SVb administration.


Payment of ziekte-uitkering if Loonsubsidie has been received

In case an employer has received Loonsubsidie in the past the SVb applies a more through check before an eventual payment of ziekte-uitkering can take place. Because of this employers which have received Loonsubsidie in the past can experience a slight delay in ziekte-uitkering payments.


For reasons specified above, the SVb clarifies that it is not possible to receive more than once a compensation for loss of salary for the same period.

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